Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My first blog

It was the greatest sensation of existence: not to trust, but to know
- Ayn Rand in 'Atlas Shrugged'

I wasted quite a long time in figuring out the topic for my first blog, actually I told one of my friends that I will write on “what should I do with my life” but then I decided that the first blog should be close to the heart. So I am starting my first blog with the thing which is so close to my heart that if it goes away then I will get a heart attack. So here disclosing it for the first time and that too in front of everybody that I LOVE BOOKS. So initially I will devote my blogs to books and as I mature into a good blogger then I will take other topics as well.

As I want everybody to read good books because writers seriously put lot of their efforts into their books and if the book is not read by many people then the writer may get demoralized and the world looses the opportunity to be blessed by the beautiful words ( same logic goes with movies). So through my blogs I encourage people to read some of my favourite books.

Oh god! Look into the logic…Are you a writer?
No I am not a writer and regarding my logic – it is my logic if you feel it’s good then read further and if you don’t then there is no point in reading further because I am not going to prove my logic.

So who decide what is good and what is not?
As it’s my blog so obviously I will decide here but if you read a book recommended by me and in case you don’t like that book then you can send me your comments then I will take up your comments in my next blog and I tell that to people and let people be the best judge afterwards.
One thing I hate is that some people comment on books even if they never heard of them. I seriously hate those people so please make sure that you first read the book and then comment. As a matter of policy, I will not entertain any comments which imply that the person, who is commenting, did not read the book.
On this note I start my maiden journey into blogging... So the first book I am going to write about is one of my favorites book
Lust for life
One of my favorites and I think this book deserves to be read by each and every reader as it is so good that once you finished it you will surely go to a bookshop and ask for more books by Irving stone(Author).The book is a fictional biography of one of the greatest painters in the European art history. The book is about an art dealer who is so good in selling arts but quit at the peak of his career not to find out his true passion but to woo his love. It’s a story of a man who cut his ear to gift it to a hooker. It’s a story of a man who has a little success in his lifetime but today whose paintings are one of the most expensive paintings in the world. It’s a story of passion. It’s a story of madness. It’s a story of struggle. It’s a story of love. It’s a story of misery. It’s a story of art. It’s a story of Van Gogh.


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